Sunday, December 16, 2007

On Religion and State..

Almost never in recent history has there been a more worrisome mixing of religion and state in our national politics what with the likes of George Romney or Mike Huckabee especially..

There is much punditry and verbosity in this regard but to date I have not yet heard any of these so called experts make reference to the most succinct and pertinent quote made as to the church and state and this was made by Jesus of Nazareth Himself when He said:

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's..!"

This was Christ's great admonition for the ages and also to those who tried to trap Him in this regard as the Gospel's tell us..

It was a warning from Jesus to them knowing the fate that awaited The Temple the center of their nation and culture as a people..

Remember it was Jesus who was the first of all Jews to weep over the loss of the Temple on the Mount of Olives...

He knew that for the Jews of that day or for us as a nation mixing what is meant for God must be free of the corruption of all politics then or today 2,000 years later..

Jesus knew that their zealotry and those who would use religion to control the people were acting from their own interests and not the Creator of all things..

Our Founding Fathers learned from their own recent history of the harm mixing Religion and the State begets, only misery hatred division and blasphemy..

It cheapens faith and fosters resentment of Religion, all religion and undermines and ill serves the people and egalitarianism of the State..

This is the best argument against this great error and abuse of God's realm, which is to be a place of solace for the individual from the toil of their lives the insecurity of it and also from the state and it's eternal abuses..of which our Founding Fathers were aware and designed our system to protect us from, and these barriers they constructed to protect us are now being torn down the checks and balances and also the separation of church and state..

Jefferson said: "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility for every tyranny over the mind of man..!"

There is no greater tyranny over the mind of man then by and through religion, it is the final firewall so to speak that our rights come not from the state, but are inalienable from our Creator and the state cannot must not and may not intercede in that relationship between the individual and his Creator or to choose to avoid such due to their own Free Will..

Remember Jefferson also said:

"Ours is not a system based upon trust, but one of suspicion..!"

This is a reference directly to our three equal branches, equal branches, and the checks and balances our Founders installed to put check upon the "eternal abuses" of government all government especially the Chief Executive who was not meant to be "Unitary" in any manner especially if this Executive invokes Religion..

It is our responsibility as citizens our Founders believed to be suspicious of our government and our leaders and in specific those leaders who attempt to use religion to gain political power or govern through it's employment..

Be suspicious, ever more suspicious of any candidate or leader who repeatedly invokes religion for most of us, now know they believe they know better than Jesus Himself in this regard, and that is blasphemy, and they are usurpers and hypocrites and heretics..the same as those who condemned Jesus to the cross..

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and Unto God that which is God's..!"

Simple as that..

Sunday, December 2, 2007

StumbleVideo - Terence McKenna _ Culture is NOT Your Friend

StumbleVideo - Terence McKenna _ Culture is NOT Your Friend..! So true learn this I did long must stay as free from what they call culture as much as possible to be free and whole..!

StumbleVideo - FACEBOOK: Federal Human Data Mining Program

StumbleVideo - FACEBOOK: Federal Human Data Mining Program..! Facebook is for the most part a government front entity for data mining and the Total Information Awareness this video it's worse than that..!

ZNet |Repression | The House of Reps Vote 404 to 6 to Pass the Bill that Legalizes COINTELPRO?

ZNet |Repression | The House of Reps Vote 404 to 6 to Pass the Bill that Legalizes COINTELPRO? The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Bill this is a really dangerous Bill which is so wide open to abuse and oppression that it is clearly un-American amazingly it is the product of Jane Harman you'd better watch out for this one..! We can no longer Trust the Democrats with our Civil Liberties..!

World Can't Wait | Drive Out the Bush Regime - CIA Expelled from UCSB Campus

World Can't Wait | Drive Out the Bush Regime - CIA Expelled from UCSB Campus..! We see how after 9/11 both the Justice Dept. and the CIA rather than having garnered respect and cooperation of the American people which they need now more than ever due to the Bush administration and it's choices of incompetent and dishonest sleazy leadership have lost the respect and trust of the American people and much of it's youth..!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

StumbleVideo - Seymour Hersh about Osama & Al Qaedas Afghanistan escap…

StumbleVideo - Seymour Hersh about Osama & Al Qaedas Afghanistan escape..: Tora Bora is when we lost the War on Terror and Bush and Cheney betrayed every victim of 9/11..! From this point on it is one big pile of Bovine Scatology..! Why did Bush want bin-Laden who slaughtered so many Americans to escape..Tora Bora and other points in Afghanistan ?

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007: This covers everything it starts with Religion and ends with the RFID chip it's all here in depth and detail why we have wars the fascist banking elite assassinations, The Bush Family Nazi collaboration The Rockefellers funding both sides of many wars, it leaves almost nothing out so watch it and take it all in and get angry and fight to be free do not believe their lies any more..!

NSPD-51 and the Potential for a Coup d'Etat by National Emergency

NSPD-51 and the Potential for a Coup d'Etat by National Emergency: Busharraf..? An excellent critique of the threat and conspiracy and vile treachery of this treasonous UnAmerican document National Security Presidential Directive # 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive # 20..and other articles all in place so as to make Bush's Untary Dictatorial and those of his Nazi Grandfather a reality in America..! That's all..!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Newhouse News Service - Congressman Denied Access To Post-Attack Continuity Plans

Newhouse News Service - Congressman Denied Access To Post-Attack Continuity Plans: NSPD-51 is the greatest threat to our Republic in history it creates a full true Dictatorship under the guise of "Continuity" Congressman De Fazio serves on the Homeland Security Committee he asks to see the classified sections of this dangerous document in the highly secure documents room and it was denied.. This only shows how dangerous a threat Bush's NSPD-51 and HSPD-20 is to our Republic along withthe other recent Executive Order 14348...Chertoff, Scalia, Alito, The Federalist Society, Blackwater, KBR, are all more dangerous to our Republic than al-Qaeda could ever be they can only threaten our lives NSPD-51 threatens our very system Republic and Democracy..!

As Jefferson said "Ours is not a system based upon trust, but one of suspicion..!"

We're the Government -- and You're Not

We're the Government -- and You're Not: The Future of Homleand Propaganda watch this really well done...

Death and Taxes 2008 Poster - $24.95 : ..., The Entire Federal Government... in 6 Square Feet

Death and Taxes 2008 Poster - $24.95 : ..., The Entire Federal Government... in 6 Square Feet: Our Nations Budget and Priorites done very well simplified for us all to see...I support a strong national defense always have which is one reason I am so against the Bush Mafia which is destroying our Army and Marines and so badly weakening us and our image world wide which will bring us even greater conflict..QED..! - Halliburton Selling Nuclear Technology to Iran - Halliburton Selling Nuclear Technology to Iran: I've read this before and of course why wouldn't they for these Texas Oil thieves it's all about money they have no loyalty to this our any other nation...Which is why we must Nationalize the America Oil Industry and move into the 20th Cnetruy from the 19th these ghouls occupy..!

NSL provision in PATRIOT Act struck down by federal court

NSL provision in PATRIOT Act struck down by federal court: Finally an Italian American Judge who stands up for The Constitution rather than trying to destroy it and tear it down, as Scalia and Alito those Mafioso swine traitors to our very system of governance..!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The First Post: The US sets its sights on Iran

The First Post: The US sets its sights on Iran: "Real men don't go to Baghdad they go to Tehran" One Bush Neo con sycophant imbecile was quoted as saying, this article details an 80 page report and analysis of the Bush Adminsitrations capability of attacking up to 10,000 targets in Iran...Which of course we are but I fear this will lead to a huge region conflict and will end in a change in the world's balance of power..

Massive ULF ‘Blast’ Detected In US Bridge Collapse Catastrophe | Xenophilia

Massive ULF ‘Blast’ Detected In US Bridge Collapse Catastrophe | Xenophilia: Was a ULF weapon test in nearby Ausburg college responsible for the Minnesota bridge collapse..? Read here it is compelling evidence and was detected by Russian equipment at the exact time of the collapse, This Russian equipment is also to listen in on our Submarine fleet which uses ULF to communicate world wide..!

db070902.gif (GIF Image, 600x796 pixels) - Scaled (59%)

Doonesbury Economic reality: Over 50% of our National debt of $9 Trillion dollars was created under a Bush add in Reagan and 70% of our crushing was created under the fiscally whacked out Republican Fascist Mafia Taliban..

PhilosopherSeed - "Seventy Seven Ways to Blow Your Cover?"

PhilosopherSeed - "Seventy Seven Ways to Blow Your Cover?": 77 Acts by Bush showing his true agenda and utter lack of compassionfor his fellow American ..and hatred for Creation and Nature..!

99.pdf (application/pdf Object)

The Goldman Sachs Global Economics report this is huge and comprehensive..shows the decline of America as an economic leader of the world..

Media Reform Information Center

Media Reform Information Center: A terrific repository of our fascist corporate Media and those who attempt to expose them..

Winston-Salem Journal | Religion Briefs Coalition of nuns calls for impeaching Bush and Cheney

Winston-Salem Journal | Religion Briefs Coalition of nuns calls for impeaching Bush and Cheney: If these guys knew anything and actually feared God, they'd be afraid very afraid..I still am myself, taught by Domincans..!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pacific News Service > News > 10 Indications that the U.S. is Planning Military Action Against Iran

Pacific News Service > News > 10 Indications that the U.S. is Planning Military Action Against Iran: More on the coming Watr with Iran that will ignite and destablize the entire region including Turkey which has just elected a religious possibly Jihadist like President..Armageddon bring it on..It is Bush destiny to destroy America as a world super power..

Project Censored Media democracy in action

Project Censored Media democracy in action: News we are not allowed to hear many important issues and occurances..our Media has supressed..and Censored..

YouTube - "West Wing" - Biblical Quotes

YouTube - "West Wing" - Biblical Quotes: This one was so great and separates the Sanhedrin nut jobs of the Republican Taliban, from those of us to follow the teachings of Jesus..

American University Washington College of Law - Center on Government Secrecy (CGS)

American University Washington College of Law - Center on Government Secrecy (CGS): A source of help in FOIA requests and advoates for Openess in Goverment...

New Bill Could Make Bush President For Life

New Bill Could Make Bush President For Life: Add this to NSPD-51 and Upcoming Executive Order 14348 and His Grandfaters dream of a Fascist American may become real..The acorn doesn't fall that far from the tree you know..?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

[~Welcome To "The Invisible Patriots" Hangout~]

[~Welcome To "The Invisible Patriots" Hangout~: What is a Billion Dollars..? This gives you some idea of just how much $1 billion dollars is and we are wasting $3 billion per week in Iraq and G.W. Bush wants $50 Billion more now as well..Another thing that is being kept hid for us by our ever more despicable News Media is that just for those who are already serioulsy wounded to care for them will cost now already $700 billion over the next 40 years so the cost of Bush's war has already reached $1.2-$1.4 Trillion now how much is a Trillion..?

The Great Iraq Swindle: : Rolling Stone

The Great Iraq Swindle: : Rolling Stone: Addresses the Plunder of the U.S. Treasury by Bushie Contractors and His private army etc..

Bush threatens to militarily “confront” Iran

Bush threatens to militarily “confront” Iran: President Bush all but declared war on Iran before the VFW, those pundits who claim this Presidents term is over or that he is a lame duck are misguided, I believe he wil attack Iran within the next six months and this will not stabilize the Middle East, but cause a war that will ignite a huge conflict consuming the entire region making Iraq look like the pre-game show only..!

From Global by Bill Van Auken..

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget: These are now being used as Taxi's in Paris I have found and should be used as Taxi's in NYC if not elsewhere, why our politicians have not seen fit to even mention it's existance is more than suspect to me and these new so called Cafe standards are nothing less than an insult to every American....remember also in Germany practically all Buses are now suing hydrogen to power them as they share a centralized filling station..

If we would just Nationalize our Oil Industry and all Energy we could propel our nation well into the 21st century and cut costs by 30-33%..

"Ours is not a system based upon trust "

"Ours is not a system based upon trust " My prior blog site here with pages of great articles "Ours is not a system based upon trust" please check it out.....TJ..

WorkingForChange: We Just Can't Say Goodbye

WorkingForChange: We Just Can't Say Goodbye: Alberto Gonzales at his best the "Fredo" Top 10 from TPM..

Saturday, August 25, 2007

General Strike: 9/11/07

General Strike: 9/11/07: It's about time we cannot leave it to our elected representatives to fix or correct anything as they are the same ones who got us inot this huge mess..!

Whistleblowers on Fraud Facing Penalties -

Whistleblowers on Fraud Facing Penalties - This includes the poor women who blew the whistle on Halliburton and KBR'S huge fraud in Iraq....Think if we were to Nationalize the Oil Industry all the money that could be saved due to the blatant corruption these companies are a root cause well as the second rate idiots we get stuck with as elected representatives...

Mark Steel: Why does Saudi Arabia need military aid? - Independent Online Edition > Mark Steel

Mark Steel: Why does Saudi Arabia need military aid? - Independent Online Edition > Mark Steel America to give $13 Billion dollars in aid to the Saudi Masters of our President's family and American Oil Cabal & Mafia.. - View Image

One of the Stars4Peace series I did first on canvas, then we put to computer...

50 Stars4Peace :

50 Stars4Peace : This is the shop for my 50 Stars4Peace design it's for We The People and there is no mark-up added by me in the pricing, as it is my artistic and poltical statement done with Robert Allan Shear..TJ Peace..!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Nationalize The American Oil industry and all Energy..

This Blog Site is to examine the Nationalization of the American Oil Industry and all Energy in America as one of the most important changes we can make as a nation which would propel us with strength both economically and from National Security perspective into the 21st Century..

This concept will be our future and would also once again make America a Technological leader and also reduce energy costs across the board from 30-33% creating an economic boom that would benefit every American and also funnel tens of billions into the development of new technologies engine designs far ahead of the rest of the world and alternative energy sources, as well as address the energy infrastructure sorely needing upgrade and repair as well as exploration for new energy sources..

When Exxon-Mobil last year made $38 Billion it spent only $974 million on all these different important endeavors while then spending $37 billion buying back it's own stock..!

So you see we could have had $37 more billion to address these issues as well as global warming and air pollution and our environment as well..

Instead what we saw was the accumulation of Corporate wealth for it's own sake..

The oil Industry is worth roughly $84 billion now even if we we're to cut the cost at the price for barrel point then we would still gain roughly $60 billion give or take a billion here and there for all these important vital efforts..and that's just Oil..include electric and we're really talking huge sums that could still be traded on the market as they are in China and Russia but be state owned..

Imagine real true clean coal technology real clean coal and also perhaps even fusion, hydrogen engines as they already use in Germany on most buses, or a better compressed Air Engine and car as they are already producing in India that runs all day on $2 dollars of compressed air..and so far does 68 mph..!

So this blog will address this the most important solution to our troubles and also one that could very well also avoid or end useless wasteful immoral wars both ongoing and those even worse to come..

This is not an idea it is the solution and our future and would also increase employment of American with good high paying jobs as for the sake of greed and profit workers have been laid off and fired and the infrastructure allowed to suffer..from pipelines to refineries..!

Please look for this blog and also share this idea with friends and others who understand macro economics and remember the purpose of government is to serve the people..the people..!

Also let's not forget the Oil Industry is not in the business of putting itself, out of business...!